Saturday, 28 November 2015


Hey readers, so this blog post is kinda similar to the one about Nicole's birthday. Yupp, as you can tell from the title of the blog post, it is about Trevor's birthday! Well, since this batch of pictures can't even be catergorised into my "Year Three"blog post, so I decided to just create a blog post of that.

*Revelation of Trevor's present (Yeah, no shame Geraldine, totally no shame at all) 

Colour almost the same as my ezlink card sticker.

On the day itself.. (9/11, if I'm not wrong)

Waiting for the bus...

Met Rhonda before heading to Trevor's house. XD 

We've reached Trevor's house. I must admit, the condominium is extremely beautiful omg.

We kinda got lost finding Trevor's house HAHAHA

Oopss.. Went to the wrong block.. HAHAHA

I can just laugh at me not observing things carefully ):

Finally reached Trevor's house..

And.. We decided to write the names on the cups.

Guess what we did to the cups.. 

The drinks

And the beautiful scenery outside Trevor's house.

Yes, it's East Coast Park!! Ships can be seen from afar.

Went to Carissa's house. (Both of them live in the same condominium)

While waiting for Carissa to collect her stuff.. XD

Had a 1-to-1 tour with Carissa.

I'm definitely in awe of the condominium. I mean, look at the facilities they have!!

It looks so beautiful and luxurious..

Pano of condominium !!

The buffet came and then we watched Attack on Titan!!

Well, I didn't watch the anime, so I've no idea what is going on during the movie. HAHHA

^ Problems when you're not an Anime-kind of person

After having the cake and taking group pictures, I've to rush back home because it was getting pretty late. I've to thank Rhonda for accompanying me back home!! Hehehe <3

So here are some group pictures taken by Trevor's mum.

Well, Rhonda's face was extremely priceless. XD

We had those shocking faces because one of the photo frames dropped. Sooo.. (:

I wasn't ready for teh picture yeah. Ooops. HAHAHAHAHA

*Trying to push up my specs because later I look like lao ah ma. (Well, I'm actually am already)

And yes, I blocked Bernard.. ._.

Totally speechless about this. sigh

Group picture of the boys.

And lastly, group picture with the girls.

*I bet Trevor was pretty awkward in the picture. HAHAHA

So I'll end this simple blog post with a picture that has Tessa being photo-shopped in? (Yeah, my skills quite good right? Hahahah kidding kidding). Anyways, I wanna thank Trevor for inviting me to his birthday party! I've really enjoyed the buffet (aka FOOD) there HAHAHAH

Anyways, 2015 is coming to an end and I'll be posting my "Year Three"as well as blog posts that sums up the whole year. Hehehe. Stay tune alright? (Yeah, it's totally unrelated)

Take care~~

~Geraldine (:

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Hellooo readers, so it's another outing with my friends~~ As you can tell from the title of this blog post, we went to watch part two of the movie Pitch Perfect~~

It has been ages since we gathered together as a whole, so we decided to go watch the latest movie, which was Pitch Perfect 2 at that period of time.

*Yes, I blogged late about this again.. Sighh


Meet-up Rhonda before meeting the rest <3

My Mr Bean Bean coupon.. However, at that point of time, the Mr Bean outlet shop is closed.. (Which means I can't buy T.T)

Reached Tampines Mall :DD

At Macdonalds waiting for the rest, who haven't arrived..

Oh oh, with the boys too! (:

Nicole and Tessa finally arrived!! ^^

The number of movie tickets though.. XD

In the movie theater! Waiting for the movie to start..

Well, you should know why I took off my glasses.. ._.


When Tessa had longer hair...

Nepigtianghostanus <3

Went to the roof-top at Tamp 1.

Guess who's shoes are those.. XD

They're too old to sit the see-saw.. XD

Went home with Nicole first, because it was getting late...

*Omg my glasses.. ><

Well, this is just a short blog about going out with my friends. Hahahaha I guess going out was probably a way for us to relieve our stress and you know, escape from the harsh reality (temporarily, HAHAHAA). The description and details are very short, but I promise that there are other interesting(?) blog posts coming up! Aka my "Third Year" blog post as well as the "Stop sitting, start camhoring" blog post with my cousins. Hehehehe.. 

Anyways, I still hope you enjoyed this short blog post!! ^^ Take care~

~Geraldine (: