Hello everybody, yes, it's already day 9 and this is officially the last day in Korea. In the blink of an eye, I'm flying back to Singapore soon noooo 😭 Honestly, this trip is such an eye-opening and insightful and informative one, where I learnt so much for the past 8 days. Visited a lot of places in various parts of Korea, namely Jeju, Busan, Gyeongju, Daegu and lastly, Seoul. Well, we also checked in a lot of hotels within the 9 days trip and definitely board the most number of flights in just one trip. Well, I don't even think my parents have experienced it before too 😂
Anyways, if you just started on day 9, hi, you're reaching the finale of this trip already. But no worries, I've the links to the past 8 days, as to where I've visited, what I've eaten, which hotel I've stayed, etc etc (for you to find out more yeah!! 🤗
Nevertheless let's just continue with Day 9 shall we? To end it on a good note!! 👍
08:00 AM : Goodmorning, time to head for breakfast!! 😁
Side note : AREN'T THE LIFE DESIGNS CUTEEE?? I'm so gonna miss this hotel a lot 😭
08:08 AM : Gerry exploring around since it's her last day here 😊
My BREAD-fast (i know it's spelled breakfast, my english not that horrible please 😂)
Morning also salad ah? oh my... T.T
Mum got this hehe, tastes great!! 💖
09:08 AM : Went back to the hotel room to pack our stuff before checking out.
Gonna miss the pillows 😔
09:24 AM : Bye hotel room, gonna miss the view too!! ☹️
10:52 AM : We were given time to do some shopping at DFS by Lotte,
but we decided to explore around instead! 😊
10:56 AM : And why not have some ice-cream right? HEHE 😋
11:08 AM : YAY ENJOY!! 🤗
12:12 PM : Heading to the first destination
Gonna miss the views I saw in Korea 😭
12:44 PM : After visiting, Healthy Liver Showroom, off to the next but last destination 😢
Yes, this means after that we will be heading to the airport already ☹️
P.S : Do not mind my hand in the picture, it was accidental
01:18 PM : Oh my the view 😍
01:50 PM : Reached the final place we are visiting, Korean Local Produce Convenience Store,
where we can buy lots and lots and lots of snacks!! YAYY 🙌
But still aww man, after that we need to head to the airport already ☹️
And I think we bought a little too much ah 😅
That we need a box 📦
02:16 PM : Heading to the airport 😢
Just a few pictures on the way to the airport
02:54 PM : Reached the airport, time to check in our luggages!
Well, since there was quite a long queue, I decided to go out to explore a bit before going in again
Yup, we are sitting Asiana Airlines again!
Going back in...... 🙁
03:18 PM : Waiting...
03:28 PM : Got my flight ticket 🎟

03:54 PM : Time to have late lunch lunch lunch.
Wasn't feeling very hungry because we had a heavy breakfast and oh, not forgetting the ice-cream dessert 😋
03:56 PM : After ordering our food, time to wait again 😴
03:58 PM : Dad's food came first, so fast 😱
04:02 PM : Waiting for our food.... 😭
04:10 PM : Yay finally!! Let's have lunch~!!
Wait or isit tea-break already? 🤔
05:10 PM : Walking around the airport just to kill time
05:14 PM : Can't wait to go back Singapore, since I'm already in the airport right.... 😅
06:20 PM : It was then we were told that our flight got delayed.........
Well, another 2h of waiting sigh... 😪
06:38 PM : All the flights to Singapore got delayed ☹️
07:14 PM : How to kill time.....
The Kiwi Bottle Drink tasted so weird and sour, i cannot 😖
08:00 PM : There are snacks for us!! 😊
09:04 PM : 6 hours in the plane ✈
09:34 PM : Bye Korea, Hello Singapore!
10:05 PM : Guess what guys? It's seafood meal again 😭
Why do I always get the special meal, why...
Nevermind, i take back my words, looks good 🤤
10:22 PM : Mum's meal!!
02:10 AM (let's move back to Singapore timing shall we)
They gave us snacks hehehehe 😋
03:08 AM : Touched down in Singapore safely, but I can already feel the heat of Singapore HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The next day...... 12:42 PM :
I definitely had a good rest after reaching home HAHAHAHA
I definitely had a good rest after reaching home HAHAHAHA
Anyways some snacks I've bought from Korea!!
I'll end this last blog post with a family picture that was taken at the Oryukdo Skywalk in Busan, because that's the picture I like the most hehe 😁 Anyways, I know day 9's blog post is very short and there was some sad vibes in it, I just wished time was longer and that I had more time to explore more. 😭
However, once I've checked into the airport and being stuck there, I just can't wait to go home and the whole time I was counting down to how long I can then board the plane. 😂 And then when it was time when we can almost board the plane, we were told that the flight will be delayed and at that point of time I was really shocked and I did not know what to do with the 2 hours again. ☹️ Well, there were indeed a lot of first-times during this trip - experiencing the cold weather, seeing snow, picking fruits, exploring at night, trying out that tall ice cream, experiencing a flight delay.
Through these 9 days, I've definitely learnt quite a number of things and yes, I've mentioned it over and over and I do not want to repeat myself too HAHAHA. It felt really great to be sleeping on my own bed again, FEELS GOOD EVERYBODY. At first after coming back to Singapore, I kind of had a phobia of travelling because 9 days straight not being in Singapore is quite a scary thing to me, I have no idea why it felt quite frightening to me. 😭
But yupp, I've officially come to the end of my 9 days travel blog posts of Korea and I really hope that you've enjoyed the pictures I've posted. Well, it was indeed quite difficult to choose the best of the best photos because I did not want to spam you guys with too many photos and too many UGLY photos. It was especially hard to choose pictures for day 3 and 4 because the photos are all so beautiful HAHAHA. Yeah, I'm so glad that I've finally visited Korea, the country I've always anticipated to go hehe 😊
Next country I'll be travelling to....? Taiwan? Hong Kong? Australia? I'm not sure hmm, but I guess it'll be great since I've great company to go with. Anyways, take care~~
~Geraldine (: