Hey guys! I really wanted to post this when school ended which was like 1 months ago. However, I didn't have the time to upload the time to upload the photos because you know, I had exams. Yup, I still have an exam when everyone doesn't have one any more.
If you have seen one of my blog post on "Year Two", I've posted the first batch of photos. (Posting this blog post first) I accidentally uploaded it here again but there are additional photos for that event as well. So it should be alright. It's called MEMORIES, memories are meant to be kept.
Pictures with my group mates! Awesome~~
With Nepigtianus. Don't ask why we name ourselves that. :D
With BFF Yun and Friend JR~
While having break..
FYI, Tessa is behind us~ XD |
With Friend Rhonda, or should I say GOOD FRIEND Rhonda X)
Some random pictures while waiting to go back home sweet home
Rhonda took that picture (: |
Idek why I put my hand there. Looks so unnatural |
Picture that was posted on Instagram. Basically, a collage of a few pictures!!
Pictures taken on the field before playing our final soccer game~
Then we had Learning Fiesta, it's so-called like a Project Work event when you show the products that you've made for the past one year. But we took a few full-shot photos.
With Rachel

Hahahaha now I found the photo with Nicole

With Lindypie, Neptune ghost as well (that's what people always call her. Ahahaha)
With BFF Yu and JR
Nady went in the photo! XD |
With Friend Nady~
Don't ask why we had so many shots. If I'm not wrong, Nicole was the one who took the photos! XD
With ZH, kinda awkward but whatever~ (:
Group picture~~

Back in class, waiting for our teachers to give us our result slips.
*drum roll* I was seriously extremely nervous (Okay, what English was that...)

HAHAHA and Kyle again..
P.S: Please don't be mistaken, Nicole was the one who took the photos. And now, I'm the one adding in caption on behalf of Kyle. XD
Oh, you want me to do that pose again? |
Here, take all you want. |
The position of the peace must be correct |
Like this |
Then turn. |
See? Told you Nicole was the one who took the photos, because I was busy fixing my monopod. :X Yupp, I have to fix it..
Unglam part of me |
Why Kyle looks so tall in this picture. Damn.. I'm short. :'(
So the last day of school...
Firstly, with BFF Tessa.
And Kyle decided to go into the shot. Great!
With TY
BFF Tessa with TY
With Friend Aaron. Don't judge, it's awkward taking pictures with boys.
Actually I only took pictures with 6 out of the 20 boys in my class. XD
With Kyle. FYI, Tessa's awesome shoe/leg went in the shot.
With FT~ (: Isn't she pretty *.*
With BFF Yun and JR~ A better pictue!
Oh oh, and there's also 2 Aarons in my class as well.
There used to be 2 Elijahs but I think the other one transferred out of my school. So aww... sad?
With Good Friend Rhonda~ It sounds awkward saying "Good Friend" though..
With Xavian, those photos look so awkward. He's camera-shy so you've to understand that. He rarely takes pictures with people.
With Nepigtianghostanus
With Fernado.
With Nady~ Again~ ^^
Sorry, I'm not a model material so I look awkward when posing in photos.
With Carissa~
She actually didn't want to take with me because she's also camera-shy (?)
Yeah, but yay!
With my 2 years History Teacher, Mdm Su.
I am hoping she will teach my class Social Studies though. ^^
I doubt she's teaching History (Yes, I took History Elective)
Eating lunch.. Wait, I just realised that I had CCA on the last day of school. What is this....
HA! Took Kyle's unglam side. XD Sounded so bad. Hahaha I'm just kidding.
These photos of BFF Yun are not taken by me. It was sent by Aaron (?) on Whatsapp. Actually BFF Yun nothing unglam one lah.. So it's still fine~
Because the photos taken with ZH were awkward, we decided to retake again. But still, AWKWARD~
We met Sheikh as well. So took pictures with him also. Hahaha
Oh I almost forgot about BFF Yun, took lots of photos as well. Funny one! :D
Sheikh is here~
BFF Yun ~~~~~
I tried carrying her. But I can't, I'm too weak and not strong. Wait the meaning is the same. ^^"
Decided to head to my senior's classroom because there's no one in my classroom. No one in my classroom so quiet.. Might as well go senior's classroom to join in the fun. Actually, I was studying my Theory because the next day was my exam. Wait, or was it next week? Ahhh.. Can't remember! :X
Basically, took selfies with BFF Yun (trying out my monopod for fun)

While waiting for my instructors to come.. I took photos with my seniors.
With Senior KX
And with Senior YH.. (Senior KX went to photobomb XD)
With MH~~~ She's like gonna be my classmate next year!! Woohoo~ I don't know why am I so happy. Probably because she's an awesome and funny friend! ^^
With Senior Jeremy.. Don't judge. It's awkward taking picture with boys. Yes, I said it twice in this blog already.. XD
And Senior Kenneth~
Final selfie of the year with BFF Yun
This polarid is with Senior YH.
I'm like really really wishing to have a polarid. LITERALLY.. )':
Polarid with awesome seniors
I think you should know which seniors I took with right..
We looked so pale in the polarid.. I mean like seriously.. :O
Year 2014 is the most memorable year I had in my secondary school. Well, Year 2013 didn't work out well because I wasn't that sociable with my seniors and friends. I made more friends and seniors in 2014, which I am happy about. I hope that Year 2015 would be easy and not be too tiring. I've been getting sick in Year 2014, so I hope that Year 2015 I won't get sick easily. Like really, it sucks being sick all the time, staying at home doing nothing and you can't go to school. Yeahh..
So I shall end this blog post here. See you in my next blog post! Take care!
~Geraldine (: